In this training, Thomas Maul, 4D's VP of Product Strategy, explains the advantages of the Project mode in 4D and what you need to know as a developer to use it. In this training, Thomas Maul, 4D's...
ORDA (Object Relational Data Access) is opening a new world in 4D allowing you to code using an object-oriented approach to easily navigate through your entire data model. You’re ready to boldly enter this world, but is your application? A few verifications are necessary before you proceed. Find out which elements to check so you can get started faster. ORDA (Object Relational Data Access)...
Learn the fundamental aspects of objects so you can put them to optimal use. Objects are very flexible and unbelievably fast. They allow you, for example, to search through millions of records in just a fraction of a second. Learn the fundamental aspects of...
In this session, you’ll discover important concepts while taking your first steps with ORDA (Object Relational Data Access). In this session, you’ll discover...
Explore the built-in ORDA client/server optimizations. Using ORDA to access large tables (especially tables with relations) in client/server mode has been greatly enhanced with 2-3xs improved LAN performance and up to 30xs faster WAN performance. Explore the built-in ORDA...
Data classes come with many perks to enhance the way you write code: hide complexity, reduce errors, and speed up the development process. Discover how you can extend data classes to create business functions to meet your specific needs. Data classes come with many perks to...
With the introduction of Objects, 4D started a revolution by introducing a real object-oriented development environment. This change was inevitable, due to the fast pace of computer evolution, the ready availability of memory and storage, and the constant necessity of increasing developer productivity. This revolution also introduced a terrific change in... With the introduction of Objects, 4D...
There are always several ways to write a query, and several ways to get the same result. But not all ways are necessarily equivalent. Analyzing and measuring are the two key words to understand what’s going on under the hood and to code in the most efficient way. This session will illustrate these different options with concrete examples and will propose... There are always several ways to...
In a client/server system, it can be useful to move a client-side process to the server to be run server-side. Different options then become available for developers who can build synchronous or asynchronous solutions. In a client/server system, it can be...
This training allows developers new to 4D to learn the fundamental concepts of the 4D language and database. Throughout the five sessions, participants will explore the classic 4D language and learn the latest techniques and best practices. The gradual format of the training, with its five sessions, gives participants the time needed to practice the... This training allows developers new...
Travailler avec des projets est un élément essentiel à maîtriser pour exploiter tout le potentiel de 4D v19. Grâce au mode projet, vous pouvez désormais utiliser une solution VCS (système de contrôle de version) comme GitHub pour organiser vos développements. De telles solutions sont très bénéfiques tant pour les équipes que pour les développeurs... Travailler avec des projets est un...
This session focuses on the best practices to properly develop client/server applications with 4D v19. You’ll learn how class functions behave in client/server development and how to draw immediate benefits, especially for performance. This session also includes tips on how to restructure a database that has been around for many years. This session focuses on the best...